

Creative + Designer + Writer

A design  polymath working at the intersection of creativity & social impact.

My passion lies in making a positive impact in people’s lives through creativity.

Throughout my career, I have dedicated myself to weaving creativity into the fabric of impactful and forward-thinking organizations. My journey has been marked by a commitment to designing not only visually stunning projects but also environments that inspire co-creation and innovation.

I also love —
long walks
every Brene Brown book
and cooking up random recipes.

Welcome to my world :)

Selected Works

  • My design process looks like me talking to myself for hours. And sometimes making something beautiful out of it.

    See designs.

  • I write on leadership and courageous living on my Substack

  • We're All Dreamers. That is the heart of Studio Maloto.

    See photos.

    Maloto - Dreams.

  • Good Force is a seasonal volunteer initiative working to inspire social change through creativity and innovation in Malawi.

    Follow on Instagram.

Creative + Designer + Writer